o how i miss this face

My little sister and her family just moved to Provo recently, and yes, I am a little sad :(

They used to be at my parent's house (my home) all the time and I could play with little Hallie when I came home from work. Now when I come home, Hal not there, I am actually kinda bored. She is so fun to play with, and she is trying to talk now. Last Sunday she said clear as day...Shawn. It was so cute :) She calls me mi-mi, we are trying to get her to say ni-ni, but mi-mi is good enough. I know I took the time they were here for granted and I do regret that, so now when they come to visit I will make time to visit. Miss you guys.

One last time for the camera before they left

Easter...love PEEPS!!

Look at that face...ooohhh :(

We gotta a lotta watta

Wow....these pictures really don't do any justice for how much water there is. This is the Ogden river which is flowing very fast, making it very scary. The river is starting to flood the backyard of the peoples homes.

Shawn pretending to fall in...crazy boy!

We know what fun is

Ok so it's not Lagoon...but Boondocks is still pretty fun! We went with our friends Travis and Teresa to boondocks and spent a good portion of our day there(a few weeks ago). It's so fun to bring the inner child out and play for a while. We played mini golf a few times and each time I got a hole-in-one!!! Shawn thinks he is the only one that's so amazing at golf...think again buddy...think again!! I know, it's kinda lame, but I like the pictures and thought I should post them.