Getting in shape

As all of you, we have made the same resolution...LOSE WEIGHT!! Every New Years I know we all start thinking of what to do to better ourselves and the main goal is to get in shape, go to the gym and yada, yada, yada... Shawn and I joined the gym by our house which is so convenient, it's about 4 minutes away and it's open 24/7. I would have to let you all know how proud I am of Shawn, he is really, really dedicated to working out and getting to the gym everyday, if not the gym he is running outside, what a guy!! He recently applied for Davis County to see if he can go through the academy there. He got a letter back from them pretty quick informing him that his physical test is on April 16th, YAY!!! So we are hoping that he can pass this and get hired on there, he will be done with the academy and actually be considered a sheriff. Wish us luck with our resolution!!!


susie tesch said...

I totally wish you guys luck! I think thats awesome that you guys are doing it together. I hope shawn gets in with Davis County

Wilson Family said...

I wish I had the motivation to get back in shape. I could justify me being out of shape becaue I had a baby 5 months ago, but I really shouldn't. School doesn't make it any easier. I am glad that you and shawn are resolving to be better. A great quest for anyone.

z&jarnold said...

you should come do a tri with me this summer okay?

Luke and Erin said...

Good for you guys. Shawn really is trying hard. WAY TO GO!

Preston & Tara said...

I was SO excited to see you there yesterday! I kinda freaked out on you, sorry :( Just happend to be a really bad day and i was just a little crazy from it LOL. Anyways, just excited to see you and can't wait till i see you next time so we can talk! :)

Keri said...

Keep it up - good luck. I hope Shawn can get on too!